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How To Get Leads From Google Maps

Using Google Maps to generate B2B leads can be a quick and efficient way to get local leads. Because most local companies work hard to keep accurate data on the platform, Google Maps is a great resource.
Written by
Josselin Liebe
Published on
November 22, 2023
Updated on
November 22, 2023
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What is Lead?

A lead is somebody who expresses interest in a business's goods or services. People have varied interests and needs, thus not everyone is a lead. Many companies make the error of marketing to everyone instead of concentrating on customers who are interested in what the business has to offer.

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of gathering prospects and turning them into customers interested in the goods and services offered by your business. Various lead-generating tactics are used by contemporary brands, including Internet marketing with email, social media, networking, coupons Live events and seminars, and landing pages for websites.

These are but a few techniques you might employ to draw potential customers to your service or product. Since lead generation tactics vary by industry, most businesses choose to stick with what works best for them.

For online fashion retailers, lead creation through email and social media marketing may be effective, but software companies may not see the same results. A blog or a series of webinars may be more effective as lead-generating tools for software buyers who may need more information about the product.

Why is lead generation important?

Lead generation is essential for the expansion of any organization. By concentrating on producing high-quality leads, you give sales teams a database of potential customers who fit your ideal client profile. This raises conversion income as a result.

To increase your brand's recognition and credibility with your target audience, lead-generating data is also crucial. Although not all of them are prepared to purchase your goods when they first discover about it, you can nurture them using a B2B marketing funnel until they finally turn into leads who are qualified to make a purchase. This implies that when your sales staff reaches out to close the purchase, they are less likely to turn them down.

What Justifies the Value of Leads to Businesses?

To attract potential customers for their goods or services, a business requires leads. A company can't find and target customers who might be interested in what they have to offer without leads. Usually, marketing initiatives like advertising, content marketing, email campaigns, or networking are used to create leads. Once a company has a list of leads, it can utilize that data to contact the leads and attempt to turn them into customers.

Google Maps For B2B Lead Generation

Using Google Maps to generate B2B leads can be a quick and efficient way to get local leads. Because most local companies work hard to keep accurate data on the platform, Google Maps is a great resource. While you would initially think about email addresses as the main focus, if you learn to use this tool for sales and marketing objectives, there are many additional possibilities available.

As a result, B2B marketers are continuously looking for new ways to grow their companies and find possibilities where there is already a wealth of consumer data. One such current information source is Google Maps. With more than 1 billion users globally, Google Maps provides an excellent platform for effectively utilizing large amounts of data. Several technologies may be used to automatically gather a lot of data from potential users, such as their websites, emails, phone numbers, and more.

What Does B2B Lead Generation Consist Of?

The process of locating and attracting potential clients who are a good fit for your product or service with the ultimate objective of turning them into customers is known as B2B lead generation. Different tactics are used by sales and marketing teams to pique the attention of their target market and lead them down the sales funnel. Future success depends on this first step of attracting attention from the appropriate sources. Although paid advertising channels have historically been linked to lead creation, this is not the only option. Businesses use a variety of strategies, such as cold calling, email marketing, social media outreach, content marketing, event marketing, pay-per-click advertising, and website optimization.

In the B2B setting, leads are produced from a variety of sources including trade exhibitions, networking events, webinars, seminars, conferences, and referrals. Search engines like Google assist in the creation of lead lists by looking for prospective customers, while social media sites like LinkedIn and Facebook are frequently utilized to find new prospects. Another efficient method of generating leads is through recommendations from colleagues in business.

Tools that help marketers create B2B lead lists are available to streamline the lead generation process. These technologies focus on particular businesses and geographical areas and reveal lists that marketers might not have been aware existed. Such solutions help marketers locate leads that would have been challenging or impossible to locate on their own. Because it eliminates the need to buy extensive lists from other businesses, this strategy saves time and money.

How Does Google Maps Lead Scraping Work?

Now that you are familiar with the procedure, let's examine the next phases. What should you do once you have located the leads you are looking for? Sadly, Google Maps still does not offer the option to download the list of data you have been looking for. Instead, some manual labor is needed for the procedure. You must have an additional Excel file on hand that has been separated into sections with the titles of the categories, such as firm name, email, and so on. You must copy and paste the data independently to the Excel file and save them appropriately when the various result pages have loaded.

The worst aspect is that to get a better picture of the leads, you will need to visit each of their websites and social media accounts (if any are available). If you require any further information from their social media networks, the manual procedure must be repeated. Of course, this procedure has the potential to be both painful and ineffective. Additionally, it is boring and repetitive. Consequently, if you frequently complete the same work for an extended period, you will be more likely to lose focus and drive. On the other side, the likelihood is that you will take a long time to reach your goal and that you will overlook critical information easily if you make slow progress.

As an alternative, you might decide to use software services like Flashmapy, Google Maps Extractor, Outscrapper,, or Search Export from Google Maps. By automating your tedious task, these systems make lead creation from Google Maps simpler and faster. The automated data collection from social media networks is done similarly by search engine crawlers.

You can read our blog post about the top Google Chrome extensions for extracting Google maps.

How Challenging It Might Be For Small, Locally Based Companies To Find Leads

Many traditional marketers may not have as much data for small and local businesses as they do for larger corporations and software firms. These providers frequently lack the exact information needed to sell to small and local businesses, such as addresses, phone numbers, and business sizes. Additionally, small and local businesses cannot be as visible as bigger enterprises, which makes it more difficult for customers to find them.

One more difficulty is that many local and small companies may not have a strong internet presence, which can make it more difficult for potential clients to find them. A lot of small and neighborhood companies rely on word-of-mouth or local promotion, which is less noticeable to others online.

Find Appropriate Customers By Using The Largest Location Database In The World

Web data can be quite helpful in locating highly focused clients who would be interested in your offering. You may utilize search engine data, maps, and even marketplaces to locate businesses and clients who would be interested in your product.

Given that most brick-and-mortar stores and location-based businesses are already listed there, Google Maps has a wealth of information that might help attract new clients. Numerous businesses, ranging from restaurants and shops to web development companies and hotels, could profit from a new product or service.

  • Business listings: Companies can create a listing on Google Maps that contains their name, address, phone number, website, operating hours, and other details.
  • Reviews: Customers can post reviews of companies on Google Maps. Anyone looking up a company on Google Maps can read these reviews, which can be useful for learning about the popularity and even the drawbacks of a specific place.
  • Images: Google Maps users have the option to add images of businesses, which might help prospective clients get a better impression of the place before they arrive. These images can reveal information about the environment's mood, aesthetic, and physical features.
  • Street View: Many sites are also covered by Google Map's street-level imaging, which can be useful for giving prospective consumers a sense of the neighborhood around a business.

By contacting companies that are a good fit for your goods or services and pitching them your services, you can use all this data to generate leads. This can be accomplished by compiling a list of pertinent companies and contacting them by phone, email, or personal visit. By doing this, your chances of obtaining potential clients will grow.

What's The Best Way To Obtain Free Google Leads?

One of the most widely used search engines worldwide is Google. Additionally, it's a terrific area to search for possible clients who could be interested in what you're offering or selling. There are some things you must understand about receiving visitors from that sector, though, if you want to effectively tap into it. Paid ads on Google AdWords are one method of reaching this group. You might instead use other resources, like Facebook and Twitter if you don't have a lot of money to spend on them.

How Can I Make My Company More Visible On Google?

Even though Google does provide some services, such as Google Analytics and Search Console, without charge, there are still a ton of other choices. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements are among the simplest ways to advertise oneself online. Every time someone clicks on your advertisement, you are charged. PPC advertising comes in two varieties: organic and non-organic. Based on their relevancy to queries made by actual searchers, organic advertising appears naturally on Google. Non-organic advertising is manually shown by Google staff and must adhere to specified standards. On the Google Search and Display Networks, paid adverts can be displayed. From small local companies to online shops, they cover a wide range of subjects. You have complete freedom to submit your advertisements whenever you want, provided that you follow Google's guidelines.

The three techniques listed below are frequently used to optimize your Google ads:

  • Keyword Research: Researching keywords is a good idea before you get started. By doing this, you can make sure that the information in your ads corresponds to the interests of your potential clientele.
  • Targeted audiences: You want to draw people who engage in specific activities. So, if you want to sell parents items or services, you might want to think about using keywords like "parental advisory." Similar to this, if you sell beauty products, try addressing women between the ages of 18 and 24.
  • Landing pages: Another crucial component of optimizing your adverts is creating landing pages. Each page has a distinct URL that can be used to link back to your primary website with ease. Additionally, you can alter the links to route visitors to your site.

Finally, avoid errors when crafting your adverts. People are unlikely to read stuff they cannot grasp. Instead, concentrate on keeping your headlines brief and to the point. Remember that shorter isn't always better. While short advertisements might capture attention quickly, they are frequently of poor quality.

How Can I Promote My Small Business On Google?

Finding clients on social media networks is frequently easier for smaller businesses than it is for larger enterprises. After all, these businesses typically have established client bases. So, if you want to expand your business, you'll need to adopt a different method. Instead, focus your efforts and attention on strengthening your relationships with your current consumers. Provide great service, answer quickly to inquiries, and express gratitude to dedicated followers to create trustworthiness.

Keep in mind that if you treat everyone with equality, nobody will feel excluded. Additionally, because social media marketing is free, why not give it your all? Your brand will become more well-known, and it will also lead to more conversions.

How Can I Get Free Advertising For My Business?

Many potential clients are going to frequently come across them if you already have a following on one of the aforementioned networks. Therefore, you can target them with free adverts as long as they are pertinent to your business.

On the other hand, if you don't yet have much of a presence, you'll need to gradually grow your following over time by producing useful material and disseminating it as widely as you can. In this way, rather than having to actively seek you out, people will naturally come to you.

In both situations, it's worthwhile to think about investing in paid advertising once you've established enough credibility and trust with your audience. It doesn't have to be pricey, however; just keep in mind to concentrate on niche-specific keywords rather than general ones like "business."

Two different sorts of landing page formats are frequently used for targeting consumers with sponsored advertisements. The "standard" structure, often starts with a headline and offer before moving on to a description of the good or service being advertised. A "Call to Action" section at the bottom of the advertisement invites readers to call, join up, or click through to learn more about the product they are interested in purchasing.

A form design that allows users to click through, fill out the fields, and submit the form right away. Payment information and contact information are frequently included at the end of these forms.

Although each format has advantages and disadvantages based on your circumstances, they are both useful. A typical landing page is probably the most alluring if you're selling tangible goods because customers can check things out before buying. However, due to the lower conversion rates associated with manually filling out forms, pre-filled forms are typically favored for e-commerce sites that sell virtual products.

You get to make the decision based on your interests and objectives. In either case, it's crucial to carefully watch your conversions and make adjustments. For instance, you should put more effort into promoting your website if you see that many of your visitors aren't turning into customers. On the other hand, if you're seeing good numbers but few people make a purchase, you might need to adjust your approach a little.

Running sponsored postings on well-known review websites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Angie's List, etc. is another strategy for increasing traffic through paid advertisements. Even while these possibilities first appear to be fantastic discounts, the reality is that unless you're extremely fortunate, nobody will read your post and give you a positive rating anyhow! In other words, you're better off focusing on organic promotion instead, unless you're willing to write thousands of reviews yourself.

And finally, utilize affiliate programs wherever you can. It makes sense to take advantage of this chance whenever you can because a ton of businesses provide various degrees of commissions for sending people to their websites. In reality, you may make a significant sum of money by joining a few affiliate networks and earning just one transaction every month.

What Kinds Of Lead Generation Are There?

There are primarily two methods of lead generation. Find out which ones can have the most influence on your company:

Generating inbound leads: To generate leads online, you must drive traffic to your website and convince users to give you their contact information. Google is where most commercial searches begin, therefore it makes sense to make use of this platform.

The majority of businesses use inbound lead generation techniques including blogging and SEO, per Hub Spot’s 2021 ROI study. It takes seven months, according to as many as 84% of them, to increase targeted leads. Only 42% of them improve the lead-to-sale conversion rate.

Generating outbound leads: B2B businesses can increase their lead generation by utilizing outbound marketing strategies. They entail locating and actively interacting with clients who fulfill your ideal client profile (ICP). They have a particularly high potential to fill lead funnels for specialized or niche enterprises.  

Even if the days of overzealous cold calling are behind, it still exists. On the other hand, approximately 18% of marketers believe that outbound strategies produce the highest-quality sales leads, according to HubSpot's 2021 State of Marketing study. Here are the most effective methods for achieving that.

What Is The Procedure For Generating Leads?

What makes lead generation challenging was recently discovered by a poll of B2B marketing decision-makers in U.S. businesses:

  • Up to 35% of marketers lamented that customers don't recognize the worth of their product.
  • Nearly 33% of them struggled to connect with a specific audience.
  • Nearly 32% of lead generation experts reported having trouble reaching decision-makers.

Regardless of the lead creation tactics you may be using, these difficulties are constant. Here is how to respond to them.

  • Establish your leads: Decide on your ideal customer profile (for B2B) or buyer persona (for B2C) first, as well as how to recognize a qualifying lead. To learn about the objectives and particular problems of your leads or prospects, use firmographic or demographic data. Later on in your offer, you'll have the chance to address them.
  • Customize your content: Personalize your offer for your target audience whether you're using a landing page or a sales pitch. Make sure your content is intriguing and addresses the issues that buyers face. Next, determine if the advantages are simple to understand. On a friend who isn't familiar with your service, you can test it out.
  • Spend money on lead intelligence: You can obtain pertinent consumer data in bulk via premium sales intelligence. It gathers data about leads from numerous sources to enlighten you about them before you get in touch with them. It's one of the reasons that one-to-one marketing was cited as the primary element in effective lead creation by 40% of B2B marketers.
  • Match the marketing and sales teams: To maintain your lead generation objectives, you would wish to bring in a large number of leads. On the other side, your sales team will have trouble completing deals if you're not reaching your target market. The biggest difficulty here is reaching a consensus on what constitutes a good lead and when to pass it along to the sales team. Contacting leads too soon can turn off even warm ones. Account-based marketing, where sales and marketing collaborate to develop individualized ABM campaigns, is a smart strategy to attempt.
  • Regularly assess your audience: If you see that your current lead generation campaign is losing steam, it could signify a few different reasons. You can go back and see if your customer's wants, objectives, or journey have changed.
  • You can utilize lead generation firms if they fail or if you don't want to wait too long for suitable leads. They assist you in determining who is most likely to generate B2B data and make purchases.
  • Utilize equipment suitable for the channel: By automating mundane tasks, you may free up time and money for more intricate lead-generating campaigns. While CRM software is a requirement, you can find other solutions to help your teams on the lead-sourcing channels you utilize. For instance, you can utilize call recording software to track the creation of telemarketing leads or run A/B tests on your landing page. Real discussions with leads are a terrific method to hear about their objectives and any barriers preventing them from making a purchase.

Evaluation of lead generation program's effectiveness: No matter how sophisticated your lead generation methods are, monitoring your progress is essential. It enables your business to pinpoint areas for improvement and the top lead-generation methods. To gain a complete picture of your strategy, you can monitor different lead generation KPIs in addition to ROI.

Why Gather Information From Google Maps?

Lead generation and market research are the two main use cases for Google Maps data collection. Despite having similarities in terms of sales and marketing, the two scenarios are treated differently and have different goals.

Due to its extensive collection of specific information on around 12 million businesses, Google Maps is a useful tool for lead creation. This includes contact information, which is frequently hard to obtain in other places. Targeting nearby B2B leads using Google Maps is very effective. Typical examples include retail businesses (stores, hotels, restaurants, and auto repair shops), clinics (doctor's offices, dentist's offices, hair salons, and beauty parlors), legal and accounting services, and public services (schools, municipalities, hospitals). With the use of particular search terms like "beauty shops," users of Google Maps can locate up to 200 relevant results in a given geographic area. The search area is expanded until 200 leads are found, which is excellent for local lead generation.

Google Maps offers useful information for researching products, prices, and markets. When looking for retailers for particular products or assessing the viability of entering a certain location, market research becomes important. Brands looking to expand into new areas might evaluate the size of the possible client base by looking at the presence of relevant companies, like pharmacies, in various locations. Another use case is market validation, where people or organizations thinking about opening a store, clinic, or retail location can quickly assess the level of competition using a Google Maps search. This facilitates decision-making prior to having a company presence in a certain area.

What Kinds Of Data Are Available Through Google Maps?

Access to numerous useful data sources is made possible through Google Maps. Businesses are more likely to use Google My Business, as opposed to other web portals, to make their Google Maps accounts public. Since it is used to display businesses when customers conduct searches, this information is often current.

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